Facilitating Regional Trade

Facilitating Regional Trade


Inbound Container volumes higher than outbound from GCR

The Causes

  • Lack of outbound cargo and local logistics services;
  • Price challenges for Carriers due to cost of containers having to be passed on to shippers;
  • Underdeveloped outbound container market vs bulk;
  • Carriers are hesitant to ship their own containers to region due to lack of backhaul containerized cargo;

Resulting in…

  • Containers accumulating idle or abandoned in the region;
  • Lack of cost-efficient logistics options for non-bulk exporters selling FCL and LCL;
  • Increase in cost for Shippers / Receivers;
  • Lack of outbound business for carriers;


We provide the solution by …

  • Leveraging existing trading volumes;
  • Containerization: Converting bulk exports into secure containers (FCL/LCL);
  • Securing backhaul cargo for COC;
  • Offering own containers for regional exporters.